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- Meet Anti-Racism Activist Aya Egbuho
Meet Anti-Racism Activist Aya Egbuho
And learn about her journey to activism
Hello friends,
For me #BlackLinkedIn is the gift that keeps on giving, connecting me with brilliant people passionate about making change for the better. One of those people is Aya Egbuho, who leads by example in redressing financial inequities. Please meet Aya…
Aya, what made you become an anti-racism activist?
For me my path to active anti-racism and anti-colorism activism started when I began following brilliant DEIB voices on LinkedIn. Once I met my first one, I couldn’t stop reading their content. It was like all these deep rooted emotions were being articulated for the first time!
So much of what I experienced personally, what I saw others experience that looked like me, and how it all made me feel were being brought to light and validated with brilliant clarity by so many voices on LinkedIn. It awakened the sleeping giant in me. I started buying books from these brilliant voices, reading more and more, and just educating myself on the language of equity and inclusion.
I also felt my healing journey around racial trauma truly begin when I found language around the issues and emotions I experienced. I am extremely grateful for so many people who do this work and give a voice to the voiceless.

What anti-racist cause are you most passionate about, and why?
I am most passionate about dismantling global colorism and its impact on darker hued women. Colorism is a vicious virus that needs to be killed once and for all. I am also passionate about healing the impact of racial trauma on Black women, Black children, and Black families. The constant gaslighting, denial, and minimization we experience is sometimes even worse than the original trauma because now we feel like we need to explain, justify, or even apologize for our mere existence! I’m not certain if systemic healing is possible, but I do know and believe that individual healing is possible and I want all of us to experience it.
What form does your activism take?
My primary activism is financial. I financially support Black women. I financially support Black children. I financially support individuals and organizations that center and cater to us. I occasionally write about my feelings and what I notice, but I choose to leave that to the plethora of brilliant minds that so eloquently write what I’m thinking. I have been blessed by the Most High with the gift of speaking and I use every opportunity to raise my voice to speak against racism, colorism, and the dehumanization of Black women and children. But for me, I put my money where my heart is. My heart is and always will be for the full liberation and healing of Black women and children.
What response have you had to your activism?
What a great question. It’s humbling because whenever I write about my experiences, I am overwhelmed with gestures of deep support and gratitude. That never gets old. Every time someone receives my experience and listens with an open heart, my heart gets closer and closer to wholeness. The healing that validation provides can not be underestimated in my perspective.
In terms of anti-racism content, which are the top three insights from your writing you'd like people to take away.
For me, the top three insights from my writings and activism would be:
Believe Black women and children. Believe us when we tell you our story.
Put your money where your mouth is. Talk is cheap. If we were to follow your money, what story would it tell us?
Healing within the Black community is needed. No matter how amazing we are, we still need to do the work of decolonization, anti-Blackness, and everything else.
I can’t just share one! But I would say that Paul Ladipo’s and Shereen Daniels’ posts on LinkedIn have been earth shattering…in a good way. I’m so grateful for all they share.
In relation to racism, what is your vision for the future?
For TODAY and the future, I want the dehumanization and denigration of dark skin Black people to STOP. No excuses. No denials. No minimizations. My dark skin does not make me any less human than the next person. We all need to critically think about why this system of hierarchy even exists, let alone is based on the color of skin tone. Racism is not acceptable on any level. Neither is anti-Blackness. Until the world reckons with racism and anti-Blackness, we will continue to see society deteriorate. It’s life and death for all of us!
Powerful words to end with, and I couldn’t agree more! Please follow Aya on her website, on LinkedIn, and on YouTube and share your thoughts on this interview below.
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© Sharon Hurley Hall, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
I am an anti-racism educator and activist, Co-Founder of Mission Equality, the author of “I’m Tired of Racism”, and co-host of The Introvert Sisters podcast.