Four Questions Black People Have to Ask

And how you can lend your support

Hello friends,

A while back, I saw a post from James Pogson on LinkedIn. He was talking about Black and Global Majority people wanting to know about the level of racism they’d experience at work before deciding if to take a job. As he put it, were we talking about "a little light racism" or something "much more overt"?

No racism is OK, of course, but some forms of it are harder to deal with, especially if you’re walking the world with certain identities. 

I’ve dealt with this before in two articles about questions for HR, but it also made me think about other questions we might want the answers to but never ask. Here are just a few...

1. Will my chlld be adultified?

I’ve said before that the adultification of Black children can start young. My daughter was adultified for the first time before she was three, in that another kid’s mother took one look at her and assumed that she was “old enough to know better” when she behaved as many two-year-olds do. I could see in that parent's eyes that she was already imposing a “thug” label on my child, who was doing what two-year-olds do when things don’t go their way and they haven’t fully learned to be social.

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